Welcome to my website

Thank you for taking the time to stop by my website.  On this site you will find my portfolio of projects I have completed since I have been in the teacher education program at the University of Southern Indiana.  I have a lot of pride in my work, but I welcome constructive critisim, so feel free to leave your feedback.  Please check back often because I will be forever updating this site.

My name is Shannon L Donnelly, I am currently a student at the University of Southern Indiana where I am getting a degree in eduacation with a math minor.  I want to teach middle school math and coach girls basketball.


Visitor's notice

I hope everyone has a fun and safe summer!!!  Check out these websites for some ways to stay safe and healthy this summer!

Check out your local YMCA for summer camp information and activities.

Stay active by getting outside as much as possible, visit the local pool, and play as many sports as possible!

Check out Vertical Excape for some great indoor fun!

Get signed up for you favorite sport to stay active all summer!

I love animals, especially dogs!!  Volunteer at the Vanderburgh County Humane Society!


Other great attractions in Evansville:

Angel Mounds

Evansville Museum

The Centre

Mesker Park Zoo

Burdette Park

City Parks

Always be careful while using the Internet.  Never give your password or login information out to anyone. 

For more tips:

Important Internet Information

Meet my Puppies!!! Trixie, Norton and Kara!!!








Shannon Donnelly

Evansville Indiana